2008 m. gruodžio 16 d., antradienis

Writing a summary

As my works from this task shows it is most difficult part of ESP. Also my performance in writing summaries has improved just a little bit. I think the main reason is that I quite often start to do my homework on the last minute. I will try to write more summaries on the next semester.

Writing ESP vocabulary tests

I think this task become more difficult than in the beginning of the semester. This is still one of the easiest but very important part of learning ESP for me because I know meanings of the difficult words or phrases. I think my performance in tests has improved during this term. Unfortunately there is a lot of space to improve.

Making power point presentation

This task has good and bad points. Firstly I like theme of my presentation it is called „Science Evolves: The Past, the Present, and the Future“ there is a lot of information in the internet. On the other had this theme is very vide. Also I don‘t like talking in front of the class. I don‘t know if I have improved or not because I can‘t decide from one presentation.

Speaking on ESP themes in class

I think speaking helps to improve our communicational aspects of ESP. I don’t think that my discussion skills have changed this semester since I haven’t participated much in class discussions.

Listening practice

I think this task is the most interesting. It combines fast understanding and good knowledge of English language. I think my skills on listening task become better.

Contribution to weblogs

I don’t like this task at all because I don’t want to show my writings on the internet in order that everyone sees it. Moreover I have to rewrite all texts twice first text is for class second for E-Portfolios. Furthermore I have to write comments for other students and it takes time too because you have to read what your friend has written. My performance although didn’t changed this semester.

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