2009 m. gegužės 27 d., trečiadienis

End-of-term self-assessment

Writing (a summary)
I think writing a summary it is the hardest and lest pleasant part for me because I find hard to concentrate on what I am doing and also I always put aside it for the last moment. On this semester I showed quite bad performance on this task.

Performance in ESP vocabulary tests
In the previous term, ESP vocabulary tests aspect was quite tough for me . I understood that I have to change my learning strategy and I did it. Now i am rewriting the most complicated definitions to the sheet and rewising it often. It helped me to think about the most important sentences. Therefore, now I find ESP vocabulary tests easier than before.

Performing in class dictations
There was no class dictations on this term.

Listening pracitce in class
On my opnion listening practice is the most interesting for me . At first term i found it difficult. I started listening various podcast and felt the improvement.

Listening to peers power pont presentations
I found it enjoyable at intersting to listen what friends have to say and show about various topics. Sometimes it could be little bit boring because some information is not new to us but i think it is good to revise.

Making power point presentation
I think making power point presentation takes a lot of time and effort. On the other hand I learn a lot of new information also i like to use my creativitnes and presentations helps me fighting with my fear of talking in front of people.

Short talks on ESP themes in class
Short talks is an easy task for me because i did a lot of practice in my past and also I have many ideas about interesting topics but hardest part for me is to remove my fear of talking in front of friends .

To sum up, this term was easier for me than the previous one because I’ve used to my classmates also I saw my mistakes after previous term and I tryed to correct them. There is lot of space to improve my skills and gain my confidence.

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