2009 m. gegužės 29 d., penktadienis

Learning languages

In our days it is ordinary to know more than one language. Most of the people know one or even two or three foreign languages. It becomes very popular because in these modern times people like to travel to other countries meet new people or search for job in abroad. Learning a new is not easy task it demands a lot of time and effort. Most people can learn most languages if they work with a sensible method for a reasonable period regularly.

Firstly, teacher is very important part of learning process. There is a plenty of ways how to help learning language. The basics of language is new words. Teacher should give tests of words and definitions regulary. Furthermore, grammar is also important becouse it helps to make the right order and usedge of words in sentences. Teacher should frequently give a task to write essay to check the progress.

Theoretical knowladge is good but it does not give opportunity to show creativitnes and practical skills at language. Teacher should give talking tasks in pairs or groups in order to make speech smother. Often power point presentation is wery useful for students becouse they can learn how to speak in front of the audience and show they creativitnes in process of making it.

The best way to learn new language is to go abroad. There you are made to talk in native language and after some time you will speak splendind. If you do not have opportunity to travel you can watch movies or talk with people who lives in that country trough telephone or computer.

To sum up, the key to the succesful learning of language is determination. If you are determined enough and use good method even the thoughest language can not stop you!

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